This is when you have your hair and makeup preview for your wedding day.

1. Find a company that you want to work with.
Do your research and reach out to the company you think you want to work with as soon as you get engaged. Find out what their booking policy is. If you have a large party, see if they can accommodate larger parties.
2. Book the company.
This books up sooner than you think; some people get confused and think they should wait until three to six months before to book the date. No, you book the trial three to six months out from the date but book the company at least one year out, even more time if it's a popular date.

3.Prepare for the trial by starting a mood board. Make sure you have your dress and venue before the trial, gather inspiration photos, and if you're following a theme, bring that to the artist's attention. Strong communication is key. Remember, these people are professionals; they will not be offended if you don't like something.
4.During the trial; take lots of photos. If you have a veil, bring that too. If you have any special instructions for the artist, now is the time to let them know, such as about your bridal party, the timing of the wedding day, and what time the photographer is coming. This way, they can set the schedule accordingly.Let them know if you have different ethnicities and people with mature skin
5.Evaluate the entire process. How did you enjoy the session? Was the artist open to any changes? Were you able to collectively work together to get your desired look? Remember, you're both meeting each other for the first time; getting to know someone's likes and dislikes can be the biggest hurdle. Live with the hair and makeup for the day, and take notes on any changes you might want.